As of 9/28/02, 10PM CST: We continue to have problems with our new system. These problems will be fixed by Monday at 6PM CST.

Here is a brief Q&A about Windows Media Player:

I get constant buffering!?

Effective Saturday, Sept. 28, all shows will be presented at a bitrate suitable for 56k modems on 28.8k dialup connections.

I have an old computer with a 33K modem and I can’t make your stream work at all.

You need a new modem. We support all modems from 56K up through broadband. 33K modems are too rare now to justify continued support, in view of the fact that it means a significant dropoff in sound quality for the vast majority of listeners.
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People who smoke and drink coffee have a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. In a study by Harvard researchers, drinking coffee was associated with a 30% lower risk of Parkinson?s disease and there was a 60% lower risk of the disorder among smokers. In general, each additional cup of coffee lowered the likelihood of having Parkinson’s by 10%, although the effects differed by gender. In women, moderate coffee drinking gave the greatest protection, while larger amounts of coffee were the most protective in men.
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During the last 5 years, we warned our allies in the Middle East about several al-Qaeda plots of suicide attacks in Egypt, Israel and Turkey. “In October 1996, the intelligence community obtained information regarding an Iranian plot to hijack a Japanese plane over Israel and crash it into Tel Aviv,” says Eleanor Hill, of the U.S. Intelligence Committee. “An individual would board the plane in the Far East. During the flight he would commandeer the aircraft, order it to fly over Tel Aviv, and then crash the plane into the city.” These plots were either foiled, or the CIA later decided they were disinformation.
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Milk from cloned cows and meat from cloned cattle and pigs could show up on grocery shelves as early as next year. According to a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, cloning is becoming a routine part of U.S. agricultural production and livestock breeders are already raising clones on farms.
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