Earth is being orbited by a mysterious object that’s approximately 60 feet long and rotates once every minute. Amateur astronomer Bill Yeung, first spotted it on September 3rd and named it J002E3. There was no sign of it earlier this year. “It must have entered Earth orbit recently,” says NASA’s Paul Chodas. “But it doesn’t match any recently-launched spacecraft.”

Could it be an alien spaceship? “If it is,” says Chodas, “the aliens aren’t good pilots. J002E3 is in a chaotic orbit. It loops around Earth once every 48 days or so, coming as close to our planet as the Moon and ranging as far away as two lunar distances.? Its orbit is constantly changing because of gravity from the Sun and Moon. There?s no evidence it?s moving under its own power.
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The top-secret Air Force facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, known as Area 51, has been a mystery for over 40 years?and will stay that way for now, since President Bush has reissued an executive order barring the disclosure of any information about the site. Every September 18 since 1995, the current president has signed the order making sure that lawyers pursuing hazardous-waste claims against the Environmental Protection Agency can’t find out any classified information about the site. The government didn’t even acknowledge the existence of the site until the mid-1990s, when it had to begin responding to workers? claims of injuries resulting from hazardous waste.
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Approximately fifty people have reported problems with our new internet radio player. Most of these problems have been due to the fact that the individual’s computer is not correctly set up. Some of them have been due to the fact that we were using our old MP3 files. We are now using Windows Media Player files, so everybody who was getting failed attempts by Quicktime or RealPlayer to open our player, or no sound from our player, should now have no problem unless your computer is not configured with Windows Media Player or does not have sound. There has been annoying buffering due to heavy use. We will attempt to correct this problem. If it is intrinsic to the new system, we will move to another system or go back to Live365.
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Physicists at the Cern particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, have mass produced antimatter, which may solve one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe. Antimatter is the mirror image of ordinary matter and both should have been created in equal amounts at the birth of the Universe. Scientists don’t understand where all the antimatter is?since the matter around us is mostly made up of ordinary matter.

The antimatter is short-lived, since it’s destroyed when it collides with normal matter. When this happens, both turn into bursts of radiation, and scientists believe this process was crucial to the creation of the earliest stages of the Universe billions of years ago.
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