A change in temperature is all it takes for genetically-engineered male flies to switch from being heterosexual to homosexual. The change occurs within minutes and is reversible. This discovery will help scientists figure out how the brain may be involved in determining sexual orientation.
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Doctors say they caused a female patient to have out-of-body experiences by stimulating her brain. They believe this explains what happens when people who are clinically dead report experiences of leaving their body and watching it from above. They didn’t create the effect intentionally?it happened while they were treating her for epilepsy.
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An invasion of Iraq may make terrorism worse, because we would not be able to take over control of the country immediately. In the meantime, terrorists inside Iraq would have a chance to move or sell their weapons and locate elsewhere, where they could plan retaliation strikes.

According to Iraqi defectors and UNSCOM, the UN special commission charged with finding and destroying Iraq’s weapons, weapons storage areas and production plants are small and hidden all over the country, often underground. Some are even mobile.
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Now that football season is here and we’re also looking forward to the World Series, scientists from the University of Budapest decided to figure out how many people are needed to produce The Wave?that undulating up-and-down motion that moves across entire stadiums. They studied video tapes of the 1986 World Cup in soccer and built a mathematical model to describe how The Wave works. Tamas Vicsek and his colleagues discovered that at least 30 people are necessary to get a Wave started and Waves are more likely to work during calm times, when spectators aren’t overexcited.
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