Recycling isn’t always good: Sometimes it can be lethal. 70,000 tons of contaminated scrap steel from the World Trade Center were shipped to India before shipments were stopped after objections from environmentalists. The WTC scrap is contaminated with asbestos, PCBs, plastics and the lead, mercury and other contaminants in the computers that were inside the twin towers. India has become the developed world’s dumping ground, rapidly poisoning over a billion of its people with toxins from the waste products of the rest of the world.
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U.S. early warning satellites detected an explosion in the Earth’s atmosphere June 6, with an energy release estimated to be 12 kilotons, equivalent to the blast that destroyed Hiroshima. Observers feared that either India or Pakistan had set off a nuclear bomb. Fortunately, it occurred over the Mediterranean Sea. If the bright flash and accompanying shock wave had occurred in the atmosphere over either of those two countries, the other one might have retaliated and set off a retaliatory bomb, starting a major war.
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On August 2nd, a witness saw a UFO above Montour Ridge in Northumberland, Pennsylvania. It hovered above some power lines and directed a beam of blue and white light to the ground. Next he saw what appeared to be a man suspended in the light, being pulled up towards the UFO headfirst. The man was moving his arms slowly in the light and seemed to be pulled up into the bottom of the craft. A few seconds later, the UFO flew west rapidly, stopped again briefly, then flew straight up and out of sight.
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Our radio archives are working again, and in case you missed our Sept. 7 show with Nancy Red Star, learn about the ET legends of Indians and other indigenous people by clicking on “Listen Now” at the top right of our homepage. To read her beautifully illustrated book “Legends of the Star Ancestors”,click here. You can also hear German UFO researcher Michael Hesemann?s surprising comment on our September 9 news story about aliens taking place in a military exercise, click here.

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