Microbes may be able to survive on Mars. This means that life could have existed there in the past, and may be there today, hidden under a crust of ice. While microbes aren’t as exciting as discovering a Martian civilization, it does mean that microbes could have traveled on a meteorite from Mars to Earth, seeding life here?meaning we are actually Martians. It could also mean that higher forms of life may have existed on the planet in the distant past and we may be able to eventually find some artifacts from Mars’ distant past.
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For over a century, archeologists have speculated about what’s behind a blocked-off door in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The door was discovered in 1872 and is blocked by a gigantic stone. On September 17, a robot will crawl under the door and video the area. All that scientists have managed to glimpse so far is the door, which has beautiful copper handles, indicating there may be untouched, priceless antiquities inside.
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Doctors can’t identify a tiny particle that’s been found in the spinal fluid of schizophrenia patients. One Swedish researcher suggests it might be “a new form of life.” A study by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm involved giving 22 schizophrenics, and 38 healthy “control” patients, punctures to get a sample of their spinal fluid. Tiny spherical particles were found in the fluid from 20 of the 22 schizophrenic patients, but only two out of the 38 controls. The researchers are now trying to figure out what these particles are.

They first scanned them for the presence of DNA, but failed to find any. Then the particles were placed in a medium designed to encourage growth and reproduction, but there was no response to this either.
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Researchers have designed a pill to prevent the hearing loss caused by loud rock music and other deafening noise. Animal tests suggest it may work weeks after the earsplitting event has taken place. “The data suggest you could take it before going into battle?or into a rock concert,” says David Karlman, chairman of American Biohealth. The Deafness Research Foundation estimates that 10 million hearing impairments in the U.S. come from exposure to loud sounds.
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