Central Florida has been invaded by giant 4-inch grasshoppers that are immune to pesticides and taste too bad to be eaten by predators. The Eastern lubber is yellow with red and black markings. It?s too fat to fly, but it can jump high and long. It has five eyes, viselike jaws and ever-moving mouth parts, and if you bother one, it will spread its wings and hiss at you. If you touch it, it ejects a stinky, irritating foam all over you. There are usually only a small number of lubbers around each year, due to lack of enough food and water. But the combination of a dry winter and summer rain has caused a huge increase in population.
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Recent bee attacks in Arizona have convinced some experts that drought may be making thirsty bees more aggressive. They could be moving into populated areas looking for water. “This is a very real problem,” says beekeeper Tom Martin, who thinks the situation will get worse if the drought continues. Three recent attacks, one of which killed a 46-year-old woman, have people worried. Cheryl McClain, who was allergic to bee stings, died after being stung 80 times by bees swarming outside her home. Her boyfriend was also stung many times, but managed to survive.
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Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says al-Qaeda terrorists are inside Iraq and supported by the Iraqi government. “I have said repeatedly that there are al-Qaeda in Iraq,” he says. “There are. They have left Afghanistan, they have left other locations, and they’ve landed in a variety of countries, one of which is Iraq.” This may be the “excuse” the Bush administration needs to invade Iraq without causing widespread public protest in the U.S. and among our allies.
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If alien craft truly exist, wouldn’t the American astronauts have seen and reported such?….Has this nation’s spacefarers confronted the unknown in space? The answer is a resounding “yes.” The problem is that the mass media usually fails to widely distribute any such experiences.

To read the entire Insight piece by Jim Marrs, click here.

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