More and more Chinese want to learn to speak English correctly, and many of them are having tongue operations to improve their pronunciation. Plastic surgeons there claim that minor surgery can improve pronunciation overnight. The operation is quick?just a snip of the muscle under the tongue done under local anaesthetic. To improve things even more, some people do tongue exercises afterwards.
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Or least say goodbye to that dreaded drill. Dentists in the U.K. have started using a new treatment which does away with the need for injections, drilling and fillings. The treatment, called Healozone, uses a blast of ozone gas to kill bacteria. This painless procedure allows saliva to repair damaged teeth naturally.

During the procedure, a rubber cap is fitted on the tooth and ozone gas is applied through the air-tight seal created by the cap. Within 10 and 40 seconds, the gas eliminates all of the acid-producing bacteria in the tooth, which allows the mineral content of saliva to repair the tooth over time.
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Our best chance of picking up a broadcast from intelligent aliens is when the Earth is closest to being directly between our Sun and the transmitting alien star. Robin Corbet, of the Universities Space Research Association, thinks Aliens trying to communicate would determine the Earth’s orbit, then time their signal to arrive when Earth is closest to them. All we need to do is synchronize our searches to look at possible sources of signals at these times. And if we don’t answer right away, they may quit trying. “The longer a program is continued without success, the less resources a civilization may be willing to devote to it,” he says.
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Al-Qaeda terrorism in the U.S. may have started a decade ago, with the assassination of a radical Rabbi Meier Kahane in New York City. On November 5, 1990, as a crowd gathered in a hotel to hear him speak, deadly shots rang out. The gunman, El Sayyid Nosair, was wounded in a battle with police. A search of his home led to a “treasure trove of information,” according to Ed Norris, who was then a chief in the NYPD. They found evidence that there was an Islamic terrorist cell operating on U.S. soil in the form of Arabic-language terrorist manuals, bomb-making instructions, videotapes and photographs of New York City landmarks.”We knew we had something–something substantial, something unusual,” says more