In the U.S., UFOs usually hover silently, then dart awayquickly, but in India, they emit red and blue lights thatburn people while they’re sleeping outdoors at night. Atleast 7 people have died of unexplained injuries that havebeen attributed to UFOs in Utter Pradesh state. “Amysterious flying object attacked him in the night,” saysRaghuraj Pal about his neighbor, who died. “His stomach wasripped open. He died two days later.”

Others report receiving scratches and surface wounds.Fifty-three-year-old Kalawati has blisters on her blackenedforearms, and says, “It was like a big soccer ball withsparkling lights. It burned my skin. I can’t sleep becauseof pain.”
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There’s a huge increase in autism cases in Europe and theU.S., especially in Silicon Valley, California, where asmany as one in 150 children have some form of the disorder.Now scientists say this may be due to the type of genesfound in high-tech workers. Workers who have the complexanalytical skills needed to succeed in high-tech industryand are socially awkward “computer geeks” may be carryinggenes that contribute to the condition. In high-tech areas,these “genetically-loaded” men are more likely to meetpartners who also carry autistic genes, increasing theirchances of having autistic children.
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In Canada, a dairy farmer outside Montreal recentlydiscovered crop circles on his land. Marty Cullen, afarmhand employed by Jack Peddie, told Peddie he had seenlarge sections of a barley field crushed down in a circularpattern. Peddie discovered at least 12 large circular areasin his field of knee-high barley. No one heard noises duringthe night, when the crop circle would have been formed.
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GM crops are designed to fight weeds because they areresistant to pesticides. This means farmers can spray theirentire fields and kill off the weeds without hurting theircrops. But this process is creating Superweeds, which havecross-bred with the pesticide-resistant GM crops so thatthey are impossible to get rid of and produce more seeds, so they invade other fields, as well.
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