Bernard Haisch writes, “We scientists tend to think that weknow better than anyone else what is possible and what isimpossible, and that we of all people could surely not bekept in the dark for very long. Over the course of time Ihave learned how it would indeed be possible to maintaindecades-long secrecy on [UFOs] and why this might bejustified, concepts I myself once dismissed. Any scientistwho has not read a few serious books and articles presentingactual UFO evidence should out of intellectual honestyrefrain from making scientific pronouncements. To look atthe evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing. To notlook at the evidence and be convinced against it nonethelessis another. That is not science.”

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Asteroid NY40, which was just discovered on July 14, will beflying near the Earth on Sunday, August 18 and will be closeenough to see through binoculars. Unlike NT7, which is nowdue to hit us on 2060, there’s no chance that this one willcollide with Earth.

“Flybys like this happen every 50 years or so,” says DonYeomans of NASA. The last time this happened was August 31,1925, but the asteroid wasn’t discovered until 77 yearslater. At the time of the flyby, no one even knew it washappening.
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A beautiful set of crop circles has been discovered in afield in Idaho, and the owners say they have no idea howthey got there. And crop formations in the U.K. are gettingmore explicit, with the newest showing what looks like an alienprofile alongside a computer disk.The farmer who owns thefield in Idaho says, “We first thought somebody was playinga prank,” but he then decided the circles and the patternswere too perfect to be a joke. Researcher Alan Meyervisited the circle and saw mysterious orbs hovering aboveit, along with several other witnesses.
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Israel thinks Iraq is preparing to launch a missile attackat any time. “Israel should be prepared to face an Iraqiattack at any moment,” says Israeli Science Minister MatanVilnai. The head of the Israeli air force, Zeev Schiff, haswarned Iraq that Israel won’t show the restraint it didduring the Gulf War, when Iraq fired Scud missiles atIsraeli cities. This time, he says, they’ll use nuclearretaliation and if they do, it will eradicate Iraq as acountry.

Israel’s National Security Council has also warned thegovernment to expect “mega-terror” attacks by Palestiniansin the near future against the country?s infrastructure, oiland natural gas facilities. Israeli intelligence reportsthat terrorists are choosing targets that are most likely tocause mass death and more