Greenpeace has released photographs which dramaticallydemonstrate global warming. Travelers to the coast of the Norwegian island of Svalbardtook photos of the Blomstrandbreen glacier shown fromexactly the same spot as in 1918 photos, revealing how muchthe glacier has melted in the last 84 years.

The contrast between the two photos is dramatic. In the 1918photo, we see a massive white glacier, which almostcompletely covers the island’s mountains. In the 2002 photo,the glacier is almost gone, with chunks of ice floating inthe water and the mountains almost bare.
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Scientists think Bigfoot may be an early form of man thatlived 10-15 million years ago and still exists in theHimalayas. Fossilized remains of such creatures have beenfound in Turkey, Kenya, Nepal, India and Pakistan, whereBigfoot sightings have been reported.
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Watching lots of violence on television and playing violentvideo games makes kids mean and physically aggressive. A newstudy shows that the longer a kid is exposed to high levelsof TV and video game violence, the more the child is likelyto threaten and bully other kids. “Long before kids throw apunch or pick up a weapon, they’re probably treating [other]kids in a relationally aggressive way,” says David Walsh, ofthe National Institute on Media and the Family. “This is thekind of thing that becomes the breeding ground for moreovertly violent behavior as these kids get older.”
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A U.S. spy satellite has spotted activity at the Tajifactory in Iraq, where they think Saddam Hussein is makingbiological or nuclear weapons. After the 1991 Gulf War,weapons inspectors found out the plant had produced hundredsof liters of Botulinum toxin. Iraq is also making mobilebiological-weapons vans there. Defense Secretary DonaldRumsfeld says, “They’re buying dual-use capability. Abiological laboratory can be on wheels in a trailer and makea lot of bad stuff, and it’s movable, and it looks like mostany other trailer.” The Bush administration says it will notstand by and allow Iraq to develop these kinds of weapons.
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