Comets may be composed of the mysterious “dark matter” thatmakes up 90% of the universe “because they are disappearingand nobody knows where,” says Robert Foot of the Universityof Melbourne in Australia. “If I’m right, there is aninvisible mirror universe occupying the same space as ouruniverse, complete with mirror galaxies, mirror stars andperhaps even mirror life.”
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Pollution in southern Asia produces a brown haze made up ofsoot, particles, aerosols and other pollutants that affectsrainfall and farming, and causes respiratory disease inhundreds of thousands of people. “The haze is the result offorest fires, the burning of agricultural wastes, dramaticincreases in the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles,industries and power stations, and emissions from millionsof inefficient cookers burning wood, cow dung and other’bio-fuels,'” says Dr. Klaus Toepfer, of the UN EnvironmentProgram (UNEP). “There are also global implications, notleast because a pollution parcel like this, which stretches[two miles] high, can travel halfway round the globe in aweek.”
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Palestinian bomb-makers have found ways to make their bombseven more dangerous by putting rat poison into them. Thepoison used in the Jerusalem bus bombing of June 17 was ananti-coagulant that caused survivors to bleed uncontrollablyfrom their wounds.

Palestinians want to “increase the number of casualties–tokill more people,” says Van Blackwood, of the Federation ofAmerican Scientists. They’re using rat poison right nowbecause that’s all they can get hold of, but they may moveon to more lethal chemicals in the future.
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William Rivers Pitt tells a chilling story about a lawsuitbeing filed against the U.S. by the families of 14 victimsof 911. They are part of what Pitt calls, “anever-increasing body of Americans who subscribe to what theycall the LIHOP Theory. LIHOP stands for Let It Happen OnPurpose. The LIHOP Theory puts forward the accusation thatBush and his people allowed the September 11th attacks totake place, despite the fact that they had been repeatedlywarned of an impending strike.”

Could something like this have really happened? To read whatPitt has to say about it,click here.

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