Three hunters recently died of Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease, meaning chronic wasting disease, which affects deerand elk and is related to Mad Cow disease, can betransferred to humans by eating meat. CWD has become socommon in deer that hunting is seriously threatened in manyareas of the U.S. The hunting season starts in September,and Jack Ward Thomas, of the U.S. Forest Service, says, “Thespecter of ‘mad deer’ turning the human brain to Swisscheese is too important to ignore.”
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A hacker in Maryland used his computer to attack al-Qaeda.Using ordinary Web tools, Jon Messner, was able to take overthe domian name of al-Qaeda’s website Heobtained ownership of the site on July 16 in the short timeit took al-Qaeda to transfer from a server in Malaysia to anew host in India. “It was a slippery bastard, but I’ve gotit now,” he says. “I own”

The site contained editorials by al-Qaida leaders, a messageboard that may have contained hidden coded signals, andphotos, audio files and videos of Osama bin-Laden. He madeonly one change: “I put very simple CGI tracking on thesite, so for five days I could trace back to nearly everyhostile Islamic message board and website on the Internet.”
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Catastrophes that leave thousands homeless, such as theforest fires in the western U.S., are always tragic.However, global warming, which brings weather extremes suchas alternating drought and flooding, is even worse becauseit can wash away hundreds of years of human history andculture in a few weeks.

Due to heavy rains in the Czech Republic, water levels inthe medieval city of Prague are rising rapidly and may floodthe historic city. The exquisite 15th century Charles Bridgewhich connects the two halves of the city is now closed.40,000 people have been ordered to leave their homes, andPrime Minister Vladimir Spidla has told rescue teams to usereasonable force to remove those who refuse to go.
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The Saudi newspaper al-Watan says Christian fundamentalismis just as dangerous to international peace and security asIslamic fundamentalism. It says the international mediaconcentrates only on Muslim fundamentalism, ignoring thefact that Christian fundamentalism is just as dangerous.

The Saudi press thinks the influence of Christian extremistsin America has increased since the 911. It feels Christianfundamentalism is especially dangerous because it wants toinfluence American foreign policy to further its own interests.
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