Whitley Strieber has completed his long awaited book thePath, which details the inner work that he has followed forthe past thirty years. You can listen to excerpts from “ThePath” by clicking on the link at the bottom of this story. Thisancient way toward higher consciousness is hidden in symbolsof the Tarot of Marseilles, and has never been revealedpublicly before.Strieber attributes his nine years of close encounters tothe fact that he was on the path. “It was clear to me almostfrom the beginning that I was being offered guidance becauseI already understood certain basic things about the path,”Strieber has said. He first started talking about this bookin 1980, but has waited until now to write it “so that Icould do so with the authority of a lifetime of work withthese ideas.” read more

An awful stench is wafting from the Huntington BotanicalGardens in San Marino, California, because theAmorphophallus titanum, the smelliest flower in the world,has bloomed. The flower’s fragrance has been described as across between excrement and rotting flesh. Conservationassistant Brendan Craughwell says, “As the A. titanum openedup, the rancid fish odor it emitted could be smelled 20 feetaway.”
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Farmers in Greece say that UFOs are destroying their fieldsby landing in them. “This huge circular flying object justfloated down from the skies on to my field,” saysAthanassios Tsioukas from the village of Prini. He rushedoff to tell his friends and “When we got back to the fieldthe aliens had gone,” he says. “But their machine had leftall these holes in the soil…which had cut into my crops.”

Apostolos Patramanis, who was in a nearby field at the timeof the sighting, says he looked up and saw “bright flasheslight up the skies–and then this huge object appeared andlanded on Tsioukas’s crops.”
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Researchers studying a 4.5 billion-year-old Martianmeteorite have found evidence that 25 percent of themagnetic material in it was produced by bacteria from Mars.Ever since the meteorite was recently rediscovered, therehas been a controversy about whether the markings on thesurface are the remains of Martian bacteria.
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