Australian scientists think the speed of light may not beconstant, which could bring down one of the most basic lawsof modern physics: Einstein’s theory of relativity.It’s possible that the speed of light has slowed down overbillions of years, and “That means giving up the theory ofrelativity and E-mc squared and all that sort of stuff,”says physicist Paul Davies.
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The shape of the Earth has suddenly changed, becomingflatter. This reverses the course of centuries, during whichtime the Earth grew rounder every year. Scientists thinkthis is being caused by ocean currents dropping down towardthe equator, as predicted in “The Coming Global Superstorm”by Art Bell & Whitley Strieber.

The Earth has never been completely round–it’s always bulgedat the equator somewhat, due to the planet’s rotation. Butuntil recently, the planet was gradually getting rounder, asice at the poles melted and the ground underneath, relievedof the heavy weight, sprang back. In some parts ofScandinavia and Canada, the ground rose a quarter-inch peryear. Satellites have measured this post-glacial reboundsince the 1970s.
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As we reported on August 1st, FBI agents have searched theapartment of former Fort Detrick scientist Steven Hatfillfor the second time, on suspicion that he may be the anthraxterrorist. So why don’t they arrest him? We think it’sbecause he can reveal that the U.S. violated the civilrights of black citizens in a country that was fighting forindependence, and we did it by using biological weapons.

Hatfill has worked closely with the military and CIA anthraxexperts and has made statements about how easy it would befor terrorists to make biological weapons. Anothersuspicious clue is that as a medical student, he lived nearGreendale Elementary School in Zimbabwe. Greendale Schoolwas the phony return address used on the anthrax letters.
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On August 8, newspapers, radio and TV reported a majorstory: studies done when flights were cancelledshortly after 911 show that contrails change the weather.We had a feeling we’d read that story somewhere before, sowe put “contrails” in the search engineand the same story popped up, except ours was written on May16!

If you want stay ahead of the pack, news daily. To see our May 16 story”Contrails Cause Climate Change”,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more