Asian monsoons have been intensifying over the last 400years, and they’re only going to get worse. Stronger monsoonrains will cause severe flooding and erosion, affecting halfthe world’s population.

The South Asian monsoon carries rain to billions of peoplein India, China, Bangladesh, and other countries. Themonsoon season begins in summer when northeast trade windsreverse direction and carry water-saturated air towards theland. “The South Asian monsoon . . . is key to agricultureand water resources,” says Gerald A. Meehl of the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research. “The past and futurebehavior of the monsoon is therefore of critical interest.”
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Due to overfishing in the Atlantic Ocean of the food theylike to eat, hungry sharks are coming closer to shore andmay mistake swimmers for a meal. Menhaden fish, a commonshark prey, are at critically low levels, just in time forthe beach vacation season.
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A lethal strain of salmonella that’s resistant to at leastnine antibiotics is spreading rapidly across the US. Representative Henry Waxman, D-CA, says multi-drug-resistant salmonella Newport is a “growing and serious threat,” and has sent a warning letter to the Dept. of Agriculture.

Salmonella can be caught from improperly stored food and rawchicken. It’s found on dairy farms and lives in undercookedhamburger and cheese made from unpasteurized milk. It causesdiarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, bloody stools and vomiting,and is most dangerous to very young children, the elderlyand those with other illnesses.
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The Rand Corporation think tank has told the DefenseDepartment that the U.S. should threaten Saudi Arabia withmilitary and financial measures unless it ends its supportfor Islamic terrorist groups. They warned that the Saudiroyal family supports al-Qaeda and spends billions of dollars onanti-Western religious activities throughout the world.

“The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain,from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier,from ideologist to cheerleader,” the Rand report says.”Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies.”
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