Arab countries are funding 7,000 Islamic seminaries aroundthe world that train young terrorists. The funding comesmostly from Saudi Arabia and is sent to seminaries incountries such as Bosnia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

Rep. Edward Royce, a California Republican, recentlyreturned from a trip to the Middle East. He says U.S. alliesin Central Asia urged him to help stop the Saudi funding ofIslamic seminaries in their countries because they don’twant attacks on Westerners and non-Muslims within theirborders.
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A new crop circle in the shape of a shell has beendiscovered near the ancient Pewsey White Horse formation inthe U.K. Crop circle researchers Charles Mallett and hiswife Frances, who run the nearby Silent Circle Caf

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Scientists now have proof, for the first time, that bacteriain the human intestines can absorb DNA from geneticallymodified food. Although the amount absorbed is small andonly occurs during special circumstances, opponents of GMfoods warn that if intestinal bacteria can absorbantibiotic-resistant genes, this threatens the effectivenessof antibiotics in the human body. When we need to takeantibiotics to fight off infection, they may no longer work.

The discovery was made by Harry Gilbert of the University ofNewcastle upon Tyne in the U.K., who fed a hamburger and amilk shake containing GM soya to 12 healthy volunteers andto 7 volunteers who had previously had their colonssurgically removed.
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Newly-hatched ducklings have been known to follow afarmer around, thinking he’s Mom. Now an orphaned killerwhale, who was rescued from the busy Puget Sound, isrejecting her family for the company of boats.

When the two-year-old baby named Springer hears the sound ofa boat engine, she swims over and rubs against the hull.”When [the whales] are moving along slowly, cruising orfeeding, she is fine,” says Lance Barrett-Lennard of theVancouver Aquarium. “It is when she is alone she seeks thecompanionship of boats.”
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