If you smoke while pregnant, your daughters may not grow upto be able to have children of their own. Researchersbelieve this is because smoke from tobacco damages theirdeveloping fallopian tubes, where fertilization of the eggtakes place.

Researchers did a study of 239 women who were undergoingin-vitro fertilization and found that 68% of the smokersshowed signs of tubal disease, compared to 29% of thenon-smokers. They found that women whose mothers smoked weremuch more likely to show signs of tubal disease than thosewhose mothers did not. The figures were 52.5% compared to28.8%.
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The European Parliament has voted to introduce stricterlabeling on foods containing genetically modifiedingredients. Right now, only food with more than 1% of GMingredients has to be labeled. This means that GMingredients which do not necessarily show up in testing,such as sugar and oils, would still have to be listed on thelabel. But the parliament has so far failed to agree on lawsto label milk, meat and eggs from animals reared on GM feed.

Friends of the Earth says, “This is a major success forEuropean consumers and a serious defeat for the biotechindustry which has lobbied hard to water down these proposals.”
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U.S. intelligence officers believe images on the pro-Islamicwebsite Azzam contain secret messages. This has inspired somecomputer users to check images on the site carefully forsigns that they have been altered using free programsavailable online.

However, Peter Honeyman, a computer expert at the Universityof Michigan, says that after closer examination, most of thesuspicious flagged images have been cleared. He says, “Youget a lot of these. We call them false positives.”

Honeyman says that in order to confirm the existence ofhidden messages, it?s necessary to crack the password usedto insert the message. This is done by searching through allthe millions of possible passwords until you find the rightone. It requires a large amount of computing power.
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Gene scientists have found proof that the Welsh are the “real” English, despite the fact that the English have always been prejudiced towards them. The people who think of themselves as English are actually descended from Anglo-Saxons who invaded Britain following the Roman withdrawal in the fifth century. Between 50% and 100% of the population at that time was wiped out, but natural land barriers protected people who lived in the area now known as Wales.
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