Women have higher rates of obesity and eating disorders thanmen do, and now scientists think they know why. New studiesof brain scans show that different parts of men’s andwomen’s brains react to hunger, as well as to feeling full.

Angelo Del Parigi, of the National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases, used PET scans to look at thebrains of 22 men and 22 women. A PET scan identifies areaswhere there are surges in blood flow that reflect brainactivity. Unlike X-rays, changes in the brain can beobserved on a PET scan while they are happening. Thescientists performed the scans after the participantsfinished a 36-hour fast and again after they drank a liquidmeal.
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Scientists have discovered a gene that provides a naturaldefense against the virus responsible for Aids. The gene,CEM15, stops HIV if it’s slightly modified. Normally, HIVovercomes CEM15 by producing a protein called Vif thatsuppresses its activity. If the HIV virus can be altered sothat it does not contain Vif, the CEM15 gene will interferewith its life cycle. It won’t get rid of the old HIV, but itwill stop it from progressing, since any new HIV particleswill not be infectious.
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Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the Arabic newspaper Al-Quds inLondon, has been told that Osama Bin Laden is still alive. He says bin-Laden was wounded in an attack on his Tora Boramountain base in Afghanistan last December. Atwan is one offew journalists who interviewed bin-Laden before theal-Qaeda attacks on September 11.

Atwan says he started looking for bin-Laden’s currenthideout after seeing the latest al-Qaeda video. He noticedthat bin-Laden, who is left-handed, hardly moved his left arm. “His people say he was wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel.He is in good health now,” Atwan says. ?They also saidbin-Laden would not appear in a video and just speak words.He will make another appearance only after his people attackthe Americans again.”
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Those of us who have studied UFOs for many years arefamiliar with the researcher Dr. Jacques Vallee, who wroteground-breaking books on the subject such as Passport toMagonia. Vallee retired from the UFO world about 10 yearsago for unknown reasons, perhaps due to fatigue brought onby UFO infighting, perhaps due to frustration with being arigorous scientist in a field known for its second-ratescience that is scorned by the media and the scientificestablishment. Now he?s back with an introduction to the newedition of Richard Dolan?s book, UFOs and the NationalSecurity State. To have an introduction by Jacques Valleeis a great honor for Dolan and means that his book is seenas important by a scientist who has done some of the mostimportant work in the field.read more