Spanking can cause children to grow up to beaggressive and abusive adults, according to psychologistElizabeth Thompson Gershoff of the National Center forChildren in Poverty at Columbia University, who analyzed 88different studies on spanking.

Spanking works – it’s usually followed by immediate obedience.But it’s also linked with aggression, antisocial behaviorand abuse of children and spouses in adulthood. “There isgeneral consensus that corporal punishment is effective ingetting children to comply immediately, while at the sametime there is caution from child abuse researchers thatcorporal punishment, by its nature, can escalate intophysical maltreatment,” Gershoff says.
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The 213 cube symbols carved into the stone ceiling ofRosslyn Chapel in Scotland, built by the Knights Templar in1477, remain a mystery. Some people believe they?re a kindof musical notation system that records a melody of greatspiritual significance to the Templars.

Now a Matsushita of Japan, which owns Panasonic, is tryingto decode the symbols, hoping to develop a line ofrelaxation products using vibrations from the sounds. Eightscientists and music specialists from around the world aretrying to understand the relationship between the symbols,which look like a series of lines and dots, and musical notes.
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A group of consumer and environmental groups in the U.S. isasking the USDA to prohibit a new kind of GM crop that couldcontaminate our food supply. These are crops that areengineered to contain prescription drugs or industrialchemicals. The news crops are already planted in over 300fields in secret locations throughout the U.S. They includeplants that produce a chemical that can cause abortions,growth hormones, a chemical that induces blood clots and anenzyme that causes allergies in most people.
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The Bush Administration plans to recruit millions of us asspies in the new Terrorism Information and Prevention System(TIPS). The program wants 4 per cent of Americans to report”suspicious activity.” The last time we were encouraged tospy on each other here in the U.S. was during the McCarthyyears in the 1950s, when the FBI encouraged people to rootout communism in their back yards, leading to a blacklist ofmany people, especially screenwriters, actors andprofessors, who could no longer get jobs.
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