Is there a scientific basis for reincarnation? Indianforensic scientist Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan is trying toprove reincarnation is real. He has presented his findingsat the National Conference of Forensic Scientists in India.

Chauhan has discovered a six-year-old boy named TaranjijtSingh who says he remembers his previous life. According tohis parents, he?s been talking about this since he was twoyears old and used to run away from home. The boy knew thevillage he lived in during his former life, as well as hisand his father?s names. He knew the name of the school heattended as well. On September 10, 1992, he was riding hisbike home when he was hit by a motor scooter. He receivedhead injuries and died the next day.
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A Japanese surgeon claims that video games can damage thebrain. Akio Mori, a cranial nerve specialist at NihonUniversity College of Humanities and Sciences in Tokyo, sayshe?s concerned about the impact of video games on children’sbrains, after he recorded a lack of beta brainwave activityin young people who played them frequently.

He says this shows the children were barely using thefrontal regions of their brains, which are important foremotional processing, planning and self-control. “If levelsof beta brainwaves are very low, people get angry easily andhave difficulty in concentrating,” Mori says.
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There may finally be a cure for paralysis. Alan Mackay-Simof Griffith University in Australia thinks nerve cells froma patient’s own nose could be used to regenerate severednerves.

His team plans to experiment on 8 people who have beenparalyzed from the waist down for between six months andthree years. Half the patients will receive a spinalinjection of the their own nasal cells.

These olfactory cells connect the lining of the nose withthe brain, giving us our sense of smell. Unlike most nervecells, they continue to regenerate throughout life, probablybecause they can be destroyed by infections. “There’s only afew microns of mucus between the air and the nerve endings,”says Mackay-Sim.
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On June 15, popular guest William Henry came on Dreamland totell us that Saddam Hussein believes he is the reincarnationof Nebuchadnezzar, a legendary Babylonian king who ismentioned in the Old Testament.

CIA psychological profiler Jerrold Post agrees and saysSaddam “represents the most dangerous personality[type].”Basically, he’s a psychopath, who regards everyoneas a potential enemy and is incapable of feeling remorse forthe suffering of others.” Post believes Saddam?s delusionscan be traced to his maternal uncle, who raised him from age9 and filled his head with dreams of following in thefootsteps of legendary Arabian figures like Saladin andNebuchadnezzar.
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