Dr. Bruce Maccabee writes, “Fifty years ago, during the mostamazing flap of flying saucer sightings in the USA (and theworld), the Air Force almost admitted that at least somesightings of UFOs/saucers were sightings of objects not madehere. However, when that opportunity arose during a largepress conference in late July, instead of admitting that theAir Force couldn’t explain all sightings and that some ?highofficials? were seriously considering the ?interplanetaryhypothesis,? the Air Force (General Samford) said everythingcould be explained as natural phenomena, effectivelyslamming the lid down on the UFO subject. But what the AirForce said privately was a different matter.?

To read this exciting Insight about UFOs,clickhere.
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One day you may be driving a non-polluting SUV that runs onnatural gas. There are more 110,000 of them on Americanroads already, although most are taxis or delivery vans.

Compressed natural gas (CNG) cars have a maximum range of200 miles between refueling stops. In order to fill up,drivers have to locate one of the 1,600 public or privatenatural gas stations in the U.S., which are primarily alongthe coasts or in environmentally sensitive areas like SaltLake City or Denver. The limited number of natural gasstations has slowed consumer acceptance of CNG vehicles.Therese Langer, of the American Council for anEnergy-Efficient Economy, says, “It’s a huge obstacle.”
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Michel Brunet has found a skull that?s between 6 and 7million years old in the African nation of Chad that he?snamed Touma?. The skull is the oldest human fossil everfound, and comes from the time when humans and chimpanzeeswere just becoming separate species.

Since this is the first time a skull this old has beendiscovered, “There must have been a group of apes knockingaround between 5 and 8 million years ago for which there’s avery poor fossil record,” says anthropologist Bernard Woodof George Washington University.
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Richard Wool, of the University of Delaware, thinks chickenfeathers will make better microchips than silicon. Wool andhis colleagues at the university’s ACRES project (AffordableComposites from Renewable Sources) are trying to find newways to use natural and waste materials.
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