Five thousand al-Qaeda terrorists are secretly living in theU.S., according to intelligence agencies. Small groups ofabout a half-dozen men in Seattle, Chicago, Detroit andAtlanta are under surveillance by the FBI.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says some al-Qaedaterrorists have fled to the U.S. from Afghanistan. “Theyclearly have moved some to the United States, some to Yemen,some to Saudi Arabia, a variety of states,” Rumsfeld says.He believes most of the terrorists fled to Pakistan and Iranwhile others have moved to places “all over the world.”
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Our new 2003 crop circle calendar is here! You can buy italone, as a set with our 2002 calendar, or as a threesomewith the 2001 calendar. These make wonderful gifts. We alsohave a beautiful new Crop Circle Lecture Video by popularresearcher Michael Glickman. Don?t let Hollywood feed youdisinformation about crop circles ? find out the truth To see all our crop circle products,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Scientists have figured out how to change light into aliquid that forms drops and splashes off surfaces just likewater. Humberto Michinel at the University of Vigo in Italysays it would be ideal for optical computing, wheremicrochips sent light through optical circuits in order toprocess data.
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Scientists have told us that we?re all descended from oneEve, like the ancient, primitive partial female skeletonthat archeologists named Lucy. They?ve never figured outwhat happened to the Neanderthals?did they intermix with ourancestors or did they die out? Now it?s been discovered thatthree distinct groups of early humans migrated from Africaand maybe even lived together about 1.7 million years ago.The evidence is a skull and other fossils that have beenfound in the Republic of Georgia, part of the former SovietUnion.
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