A recent study by Professor Leonard Leibovici, of the RabinMedical Center in Israel, provides evidence that prayer canheal.

The objective of the study was, according to Leibovici, ?Todetermine whether remote, retroactive intercessory prayer,said for a group of patients with a bloodstream infection,has an effect on outcomes.?

He studied almost 4,000 patients who were hospitalized withblood infections between 1990 and 1996, dividing them into acontrol group and an intervention group. Prayers were saidfor the ?well being and full recovery of the interventiongroup? by people who did not personally know the person theywere praying for.
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Human beings are demanding more of the Earth than it cancope with, according to new research?and we?ve had 50% moreimpact on it in just the last 40 years. One of theresearchers, Mathis Wackernagel of Oakland, California,claims that by 1961, we were using 70% of the capacity ofthe global biosphere. By 1999, that had risen to 120% of theEarth’s productive capacity. In other words, we were using upresources faster than they could be replaced. The researchteam believes that ?human activities have exceeded thebiosphere?s capacity since the 1980s.?
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All those guys with huge beer bellies who are downing bottleafter bottle of brew only seem unhealthy?they?re actuallyprotecting themselves against heart attacks.

Doctors think that folic acid, which is found in beer, helpsprevent heart disease. At the Institute of Food Research inthe U.K., men are being asked to drink 2 pints of beer aday. Dr. Paul Finglas says people suffering from heartdisease generally have high levels of a chemical calledhomocysteine, which has been linked to blocked arteries andheart disease. A high intake of folic acid is associatedwith low homocysteine levels, so scientists want toinvestigate it as a way of reducing heart attacks in men.
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Geologists at Southern Methodist University say they havefound evidence of Strange Quark Nuggets (SQNs), which arevery tiny superdense balls of matter that were formed duringthe Big Bang and still exist in the universe. The proof thatSQNs exist is two earthquakes that were caused when theypassed through the Earth.

Strange Quark Nuggets were once just a theory. In 1984, EdWitten, of the Institute of Advanced Study at PrincetonUniversity, said a new kind of matter might have been formedin the first few moments after the Big Bang. It would bemade up of quarks, the particles that make up normal matter,but put together in unusual ways.
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