Is Bin Laden Dead?
It?s known that Osama bin-Laden has a serious case of kidneydisease and has had dialysis machines shipped to his varioushideouts. Now in his article ?Dust Bin? in the June 29, 2002issue of the English magazine ?The Spectator,? Mark Steyn, aBrit living in New Hampshire, says Osama is dead but it?sbetter for both sides to pretend he?s alive.
Pakistan television regularly releases videos of bin-Laden,but none of them have any information that gives a clueabout the date they were taken. Al-Qaeda officials makeannouncements, like the one by Suleiman Abu Ghaith, whosaid, ??Sheikh Osama bin Laden …is in good and prosperoushealth and all what is being rumored about his illness andinjury in Tora Bora has no truth.?
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