After 4,000 years, the pyramids at Giza are melting away. A new study by the University of California and the University of Sohag in Egypt confirms that water damage, caused by nearby farming, urbanization and housing, has caused the water table underneath the pyramids to rise. When groundwater comes close to the foundations of the pyramids, the salt in the water weakens the stone and causes structural damage. Dr. Ayman Ahmed, of Sohag University, says, “Probably the most dangerous factors affecting the pharonic monuments are urbanization and agricultural development.”
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When it comes to airport security, the news has focused on the shoe bomber and the terrorist shooting at the LAX El Al ticket counter. But in the background, something less dramatic but potentially even more dangerous has been going on?burglars have been sneaking into the hotel rooms of flight crews and stealing their passports, I.D. and uniforms.

This brings up the scary picture of terrorists, dressed as pilots and crew members, flashing their I.D.s and walking past security guards and taking over planes. Your next vacation or business flight could be manned by an all-terrorist crew.
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An extraordinary crop circle has appeared in the U.K. To see a photo of the circle,click here. To see images of past crop circles,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

If you bathe your baby everyday, he or she may have a higher risk of developing asthma or eczema. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the U.K. say a child’s immune system needs exposure to dirt in order to develop correctly.

Asthma affects more children around the world every year. One theory says that families are smaller, so children are less exposed to diseases their siblings bring home, resulting in a weaker immune system. It’s been discovered that younger children in a family are less likely to become asthmatic than the older kids.
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