There?s lots of circumstantial evidence that pets in the home can cause allergies and asthma, but scientists aren?t sure exactly how it works. For instance, a recent study in Finland found that the risk of developing asthma was higher among people who had previously owned pets. But there are also studies suggesting that living with pets can actually protect children from allergies and asthma. “It’s certainly too early to make a firm statement as to what parents should do,” says Dr. Thomas Platts-Mills of the University of Virginia.
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Complaints about cellphones have gone from possible radiation dangers to the annoyance of hearing people?s private conversations everywhere you go. Ever wish you could block the cellphone of the person chattering away next to you? Soon you may be able to eat and go to the movies in buildings lined with magnetic wood that absorbs microwave radio signals, making it impossible for anyone to use a cellphone.
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The Army Corps of Engineers’ is dumping toxic sludge into the Potomac River, which is a designated American Heritage river. According to an internal Environmental Protection Agency document, fish are not being harmed because the sludge causes them to flee the area. That way, they escape fishermen too, so, according to the EPA, toxic sludge is actually good for fish. The document says it is not a “ridiculous possibility” that a discharge “actually protects the fish in that they are not inclined to bite (and get eaten by humans) but they go ahead with their upstream movement and egg laying.”
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The store at reports that their e-mail is temporarily not working. E-mails sent to are being returned undeliverable. This problem is being addressed and will be resolved today, Thursday, July 3. The store’s 800 number and order page are open for business and this will not affect orders or shipments in any way.

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