The FBI has issued regular warnings of possible terrorist attacks since September 11 and none of them have come to pass. We?re relieved, but it has caused us to start to tune these warnings out. The FBI is afraid the American public is undergoing “threat fatigue,” so they?ve started issuing secret warnings to state and local law enforcement agencies only. One of these warnings is about a possible terrorist attack on the 4th of July.

“The F.B.I. possesses no information indicating a specific and credible terrorist threat related to the July 4 Independence Day time frame,” says the FBI. “However, the political and cultural significance of this date warrants increased vigilance.”
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Semen makes you happy, according to a report comparing women who have sex using condoms with those who have unprotected sex. The study shows that the women who were directly exposed to semen, because a condom wasn’t used, were less depressed, and the researchers think this is because there are mood-altering hormones in semen that are absorbed through the vagina. “I want to make it clear that we are not advocating that people abstain from using condoms,” says Gordon Gallup, a psychologist at the State University of New York. “Clearly an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease would more than offset any advantageous psychological effects of semen.”
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Researchers have discovered that genetically tinkering with fish can cause the opposite effect of evolution: the survival of the LEAST fit and the eventual extinction of a species. It would take just one genetically-modified fish to wipe out local populations of that species if it escaped into the wild.

William Muir and Richard Howard of Purdue University call GM genes “Trojan genes,” because “This resembles the Trojan horse,” says Muir. “It gets into the population looking like something good and it ends up destroying the population.”
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With fires rampaging through the western United States, we desperately need some new, sophisticated fire fighting equipment. Now we have it: the GOES satellite, a weather satellite 23,000 miles away, in orbit around the Earth.

U.S. and Canadian firefighters are using satellite data from both GOES and the European Space Agency to monitor wildfires. Satellite photos and data help teams on the ground predict, spot, and observe fire outbreaks so they can catch them quickly, before they grow and spread.

The GOES 8 and GOES 10 satellites produce 96 photos each day. Ground station computers send that data out in map form to emergency personnel within 60 minutes of its transmission.
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