On our May 4 Dreamland show, we talked to Kristina Borjesson about how Big Business and Big Government censor journalists like herself. She told the shocking story about how she was fired from her job for trying to report honestly about the Flight TWA 800 crash. Her message was so popular, it took her publishers by surprise?bookstores everywhere, including on the internet, ran out of stock and the book had to be reprinted. Unknowncountry.com store customers have had to wait too, but now the wait is over. We have plenty of copies of ?Into the Buzzsaw? in stock and we can ship one out to you the day you order it. Don?t miss this exciting, provocative book written by an author who dares to tell the truth!
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Despite the fact that the British government recently declared that there is no evidence for the existence of UFOs, the BBC sent TV weatherman Mike Powell out with UFO hunter David Kingston to see if he could find any signs of UFOs. Powell knows all about weather and can?t be fooled by cloud shapes, Northern Lights or ball lighting.

Kingston, who used to be in the Royal Air Force, has interviewed pilots all over the world who have seen UFOs from their cockpits. He has many videos taken by people who have seen UFOs flying all over England.

Together, they visited college lecturer and UFO investigator Craig Roberts and watched and he went under hypnosis in order to retrieve his abduction memories. His students have won awards for their UFO investigations. read more

The sounds of what could be a giant creature hiding in the depths of the ocean have been recorded by British scientists. Its frequency identifies it as some sort of marine animal, but it?s sound is far more powerful than calls made by any known creature on Earth. The researchers have nicknamed the unidentified sound they picked up with undersea microphones “Bloop.”

Bloop was first detected in 1997 by U.S. Navy spy sensors placed 3,000 miles apart that were supposed to detect the movement of Soviet submarines. The frequency of the sound means it?s much louder than any known animal noise, including the sounds produced by the largest whales.
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Firefighters now think they will have to spend the entire summer fighting the Colorado wildfire that?s heading towards Denver. So far, it?s burned 100,000 acres of national forest and several suburbs.

It?s going to be a long, hot summer for firefighters. The U.S. Forest Service says the size of the fire means that crews will have to remain well into July just to contain it and that it will take at least 3 months to extinguish it. At least the strong winds that fueled the fire in its early stages have finally started to die down. Helicopters have poured 2,000 gallons of water on burning areas so far.
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