People will be 5 times as rich as they are now in 100 years. Most of us won?t live that long, but if we?re willing to be 5 times as rich in 102 years instead?just 2 years later?we can afford to solve the problems that are causing global warming. Think we?ll do it?

U.S. climate scientist Stephen Schneider and Swedish energy economist Christian Azar say it?s not true that the international plans to reduce global warming will cripple the U.S. and world economies. “The wild rhetoric about enslaving the poor and bankrupting the economy to do climate policy is fallacious, even if one accepts the conventional economic models,” says Schneider.
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What can you do with a Global Positioning Satellite receiver (GPS) other than use it to help you find your way when you?re driving a rental car in an unfamiliar city? Now people who love treasure hunts have found a new use for these devices?they use them in a worldwide scavenger hunt called geocaching.
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Researchers who are looking for evidence of Scotland?s Loch Ness monster tried a new tool?Queen Elizabeth?s Golden Jubilee baton, which contains a device that can detect a pulse rate. They lowered it into the loch during its five-day tour round Scotland but failed to find any sign of Nessie?s heartbeat. But some of them say they saw “something pretty weird” as the baton floated up to the surface.
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In her new Diary, Anne Strieber writes, ?When we look at the actions of both the Israelis and the Palestinians over the past few years, we see that bad things have been done by both sides. However, the Israelis are fighting a military war with conventional soldiers and armaments, while the Palestinians?at least those who claim to be acting for them?are using na?ve, brainwashed youths as their weapons. I?ve read articles saying, ?One side uses guns and tanks, the other side uses suicide bombers?what?s the difference?? But there?s a big difference.?

To get Anne?s take on that controversial Middle East conflict, click here.

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