Almost 90,000 acres have burned in wildfires in Colorado and now the out-of-control fire is headed for Denver. People still talk about the Chicago fire, a century ago, but no major city has burned for years. Will Denver burn?

Forest fires are not uncommon in Colorado but this one, started by sparks from a campfire, is the largest in Colorado history. How can a few sparks start such a huge conflagration? The answer is drought: due to global warming, there?s been less snow, thus less summer snow melt. This means less water and one of the driest years in history, with trees ready to burst into flame. The resin in some pine trees can even burst into flame spontaneously if the weather gets hot and dry enough.
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Science and military experts disagree somewhat on the potential devastation that would be caused by the explosion of a dirty bomb, like the kind the accused al-Qaeda terrorist Abdullah al Mujahir was allegedly planning to build.

They all agree that a dirty bomb is not the same as a conventional nuclear weapon, which produces intense heat and radiation from splitting atoms and kills huge number of people instantly. A dirty bomb has radioactive material inside or around conventional explosives, which are then detonated to spread the radioactivity. This kind of radiation doesn?t immediately kill, according to Naval War College professor William Martel, “But it’d create huge amounts of terror, havoc, and panic.”
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On May 18 Dreamland, Roger Aronoff gave us the inside information about the crash of TWA Flight 800 and told us about his award-winning video, which no television network or cable channel has been willing to show. This video is as professional as anything you?ll see on network TV and PROVES that there is a coverup about what caused the crash. It?s finally available in our website store for only $18.95. To get this extraordinary tape,click here. Scroll down to see the video.

To hear what Roger Aronoff had to say about TWA Flight 800 on Dreamland, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

A criminal chimpanzee is leading the London police on a wild chase, after breaking into apartments and stealing cell phones and other valuable equipment. The police received reports of two burglaries at separate addresses in east London. A Scotland Yard spokesman says, “Only small items of personal property, a mobile phone and parts of a stereo system, were stolen. The caller of the second burglary confirmed to police he had seen an ape disappearing from the premises.”

Mustapha Riat was an eyewitness. He woke up in his apartment to find a large hairy figure with five-foot-long arms towering above him. “I saw this hairy black chimpanzee coming through,” he says. “It was broad and muscular. I was frightened of being bitten.”
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