Don?t blame yourself for your bad behavior, blame it on your genes. A lot of things that go wrong in life can be traced back to our genetic make-up.

Scientists have found that if you have a commonly-found mutation in a gene, you?re more likely to become addicted to drugs. This is the gene that controls the cannabinoids in the body, which are the feel-good enzymes we carry around with us naturally, without taking drugs. They act on the same neuroreceptors as marijuana and give us a natural ?high.? These enzymes control the reward and addiction pathways in the brain.
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A mysterious rash has struck mainly young girls at schools across the nation since September 11. A recent New York Times Sunday magazine story said that no medical cause has been found for any of these rashes and researchers now think they may due to post-911 hysteria and nervousness about possible future terrorist attacks. As to why the rash effects girls more than boys, the Times said that girls worry more about the future.
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The FBI have captured Abdullah Al Muhajir, a U.S. citizen with ties to al-Quaeda, who planned to explode a radioactive ?dirty bomb? in Washington, D.C. FBI Director Robert Mueller says the bomb plot was still in the “discussion stage.”

Al Muhajir (who changed his name from Jose Padilla when he joined al-Quaeda) was captured on May 8 as he flew into O’Hare International Airport in Chicago from Pakistan. The FBI was tracking him as he flew back and forth between Pakistan, Egypt and Switzerland.
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Taxpayers beware: Major renovations are being planned for the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., which include a retractable dome. The new building will have more bathrooms and better parking. “Don’t get us wrong: We love the drafty old building,” says House Speaker Dennis Hastert. “But the hard reality is, it’s no longer suitable for a world-class legislative branch. The sight lines are bad, there aren’t enough concession stands or bathrooms, and the parking is miserable.”

Minority Leader Dick Gephardt says, ?Look at the British Parliament. Look at the Vatican…Without modern facilities, they?ve been having trouble attracting top talent.”
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