Beginning on Wednesday, June 5, rumors started circulating in financial markets worldwide that the Bush Administration is about to be devastated by disclosures concerning both its involvement with Enron and foreknowledge of 911.

On June 4, the Administration unwillingly gave the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee 2,000 subpoenead documents describing White House and related contacts with Enron. While the contents of these documents have not been officially disclosed, they are the apparent source of the rumors concerning Enron. To learn more about this story, click here.
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As much as ten tons of African bushmeat, from endangered species such as chimpanzees and gorillas, may be sold in London every day. So much is being sold that some African countries hardly have any animals left to poach. Despite recent efforts to save the great apes, there?s a great danger that they may soon become extinct in the wild.

A new English TV documentary called ?No Hiding Place? follows Karl Amman, a Swiss national who has spent the last eight years in central Africa, in the border area between the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He investigates the bushmeat trade and has discovered that the number of wild chimpanzees in the region is down to about 200,000. There were several million chimps there in the l960s.
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On Dreamland June 1st, while we were interviewing Michael Glickman, the English crop circle expert, the first major crop circle of the season was being created only a mile or two from where he was speaking to us by telephone from the U.K. Michael will be back on Dreamland June 8 to talk about it, and Linda Howe will have a major crop circle report for us.

The circle is situated between two large stones that, like Stonehenge, were intentionally placed there in prehistoric times. They?re known as Adam and Eve. This is the first time there has ever been a formation in this particular field, which is unusual, since circles generally return to the same fields year after year, even when irate farmers mow them down as soon as they see them.
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The government will give out iodine pills to people living near the Indian Point nuclear power plant in White Plains, New York, in case of a terrorist attack. This was decided after the recent warnings about attacks on nuclear power plants. In case of an attack, they would help prevent thyroid cancer by blocking the absorption of radioactive iodide, which is one of the gases that would be released if a plant is attacked.
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