In China, the country that is supposed to be our good friend and trading partner, books, movies and video games glorifying the Sept. 11 strikes are selling like hotcakes. Most of these are actually being produced and distributed by the government. Videos and DVDs have added dramatic background music to news clips of airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center.

Right after the attacks occurred on Sept. 11, government-controlled Beijing TV worked day and night to produce an anti-American documentary called Attack America. When they didn?t have enough actual 911 footage, they added scenes from old Godzilla movies, with Godzilla attacking Manhattan.
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Around the world, geologists are noticing that old, dry oil wells are mysteriously filling back up. New oil is also being discovered in fields where it previously hasn?t existed.

Mahlon Kennicutt of Texas A&M University thinks the new oil is surging upward from deposits deep below the ones currently being used. “Very light oil and gas were being injected from below, even as the producing was going on,” he says. This suggests there?s much more oil available than we thought.
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Dr. Robert Benson of Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi did not believe in Big Foot, which is why he was asked by a T.V. producer to analyze possible audio evidence for a Bigfoot documentary being produced by the Discovery Channel. “It’s interesting,” he says.

Benson studies the sounds of birds and marine mammals, and so has been asked many times to listen to recordings of sounds that people claim belong to a Sasquatch, but he never gave them much consideration before. He wasn?t sure he even wanted to work with the Discovery Channel when they called.”I weighed the pros and cons,” he says. “It wasn’t a hasty decision.”
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If you had a smallpox vaccination as a child and think you?re still protected, it?s not true. Almost everyone vaccinated before smallpox was eradicated in the mid-1970s has now lost their immunity.

621 microbiologists in Maryland received fresh vaccinations between 1994 and 2001 to protect them in their work. Before they had the shots, only about 40 of them, or just six per cent, were still immune from their earlier vaccinations. “The study is, to the best of my knowledge, the only one since eradication which tries to look at the durability of immunity,” says Michael Sauri, director of the Occupational Medicine Clinic in Maryland. “It’s showing us that after 20 years immunity is not going to be there.”
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