President Bush has sent a report titled ?U.S. Climate Action Report 2002? to the United Nations, which details the specific and far-reaching effects that global warming will inflict on the U.S. environment. For the first time, the Bush administration blames recent global warming on human actions and says the main cause is the burning of fossil fuels which trap greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The report says the United States will be substantially changed in the next few decades, with a disruption of snow-fed water supplies, more heat waves, the disappearance of Rocky Mountain meadows and coastal marshes.
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The FBI had a chance to infiltrate an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan months before September 11, but top FBI agents rejected the plan. U.S. News & World Reportsays an informant told a bureau field agent months before the September 11 attacks that he was invited to attend a commando training course at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan.The information was relayed to a supervisor, who passed it on to FBI headquarters, where it was rejected by the Bin Laden unit of the bureau’s counterterrorism division.

A field office communiqu

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Tiny microbes could be controlling our weather in an attempt to survive, according to Dr. Bruce Moffett and his team from the University of East London. They believe the airborne bacteria may be behind the formation of clouds and rainfall. The ability to manipulate the environment in this way would help the microbes survive and multiply.
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Michael Glickman will tell us the latest news about crop circles on Dreamland June 1st. He writes in about the assertion, by crop circle researcher Colin Andrews, that 80% of crop circles are made by human beings?despite the fact that no one ever catches them doing it. It?s known that some of the circles are made by hoaxers, but these can be spotted because they?re simple and uneven. They also don?t pass testing by Dr. Leavengood, who has found that ?authentic? circles have the plant stems bent, not broken, by some sort of high-energy heat (like a laser) and that molecular changes have taken place in the plants and seeds.
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