Climate Watch predicts fewer but more violent storms across the summer of 2017, with generally mild temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. However, if circulation extends into the upper stratosphere where temperature differences are now unprecedented, storms will rapidly and suddenly increase in intensity. As long as arctic meltwater continues to pour into the northern oceans, hemispheric temperatures will be mild, but there will be spikes into very high heat conditions, with continental interiors at serious risk of temperature increases that are right at the edge of survivability for humans. Due to the slowing of the jet stream, when such conditions occur, they could linger for long periods of time.
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The massive corpse of an initially unidentified sea creature washed up on the shore of Indonesia’s Seram Island, prompting worldwide speculation as to what the mysterious creature was. Initially called a giant squid by the Jakarta Globe, the 15-meter (50-foot) carcass has since started to fill the area with a rotting smell, prompting the local villagers to ask the government for assistance in removing the mess.
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A large-scale ransomware attack was initiated worldwide on May 12 at around 7:00 PM UTC, crippling portions of a hospital information network in the UK and Spain’s Telephonica telecommunications firm. The ransomware, called "Wanna Decryptor", is alleged to be exploiting a more

The United States Air Force’s experimental X-37B unmanned spaceplane returned to Earth on May 7, 2017, after a record-breaking 718-day stay in orbit: However, little is publicly known about the craft’s secret mission.

Initially created by NASA in 1999, the Boeing-built X-37 was transferred to DARPA in 2004, of whom placed the project under its current classified status. The USAF announced that they would develop their own X-37 in 2006, now designated X-37B; originally intended to be launched by NASA’s Space Shuttle Orbiter, it is now launched on the tip of an Atlas V rocket.
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