Global supplies of crude oil will peak as early as 2010 and then start to decline, ushering in an era of soaring energy prices and economic upheaval, according to an international group of oil specialists. They hope to persuade oil-dependent countries like the United States to stop wasting the Earth’s limited amount of fossil fuel. Americans, as the biggest consumers of energy, could suffer a particularly harsh lowering of their lifestyle.

“There is no factual data to support the general sense that the world will be awash in cheap oil forever,” says Matthew Simmons, an investment banker who helped advise President Bush’s campaign on energy policy. “We desperately need to find a new form of energy.”
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Besides facing imminent nuclear war with Pakistan, India faces devastation from earthquakes, as well.Following an exhaustive geophysical and historical analysis, Roger Bilham and his team from Colorado University?s geological sciences department believe there will be one or more massive earthquakes in India in the near future, threatening millions of lives.
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Anthony M. DeStefano reveals in Newsday that 2 FBI agents may have teamed up with an Egyptian money man to use classified information about 911 to make money in the stock market. Classified government information was found in their possession during a search. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth Breen says the confidential data was material they had no legitimate reason to have and might lead to “something more serious.”
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We?re revamping our store?and making it better than ever. Starting June 7th, we?ll have a new 24 hour/7 day-a-week 800 number, so you can order during the show. We just moved our stock to new a new fulfillment house and we?ve discovered that with some titles, we have a little bit of this and a tiny bit of that, so we?ve added lots of new items to our sale section. We’ve also lowered the prices even more on items already on sale.
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