American military chiefs are developing plans to use Valium as a military weapon, according to official documents seen by Antony Barnett of The Observer Newspaper in the U.K. The Pentagon commissioned scientists at Pennsylvania State University to look at potential military uses chemicals known as calmatives. The drugs they recommended for ?immediate consideration? included diazepam, better known as the tranquilizer Valium, and dexmedetomidine, which is used to sedate patients in intensive care. The scientists advised that these drugs can ?effectively act on central nervous system tissues and produces a less anxious, less aggressive, more tranquil-like behavior.?
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The oldest lifelike portraits of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. The images were first discovered over 50 years ago, but were forgotten after doubts about their authenticity. Now German scientist Dr. Michael Rappenglueck, of Munich University, says these are drawings of real, prehistoric people.
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While doing research for a term paper, Karin Sandstrom, a student at Harvard University, discovered a star in our own backyard that is on the brink of exploding in a supernova. It?s so close that if it were to blow up before moving away from us, it could wipe out life on Earth.
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Microscopic particles of dust and soot are killing thousands of Californians each year. The Environmental Working Group – a Washington D.C.-based research and advocacy organization – reports that floating particles cause more than 9,300 deaths in the state each year. Most of them are from car exhausts and factories.

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