Two young men, ages 26 and 28, died last fall in the same Michigan hospital of a rare brain disease that occurs mainly in elderly people. The incident, which raises fears that the human form of mad cow disease is here in the USA, prompted a swift investigation by federal health officials, but doctors familiar with the cases say there is no evidence to support that fear. They say autopsies and other tests indicate the victims died from so-called ”classic” forms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).
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Ice made from frozen water has been found in vast quantities just below the surface across great areas of Mars. The Ice crystals less than three feet below Mars? surface. If melted, they would created a planet-wide ocean more that 1,500 feet deep. Scientists have long felt that if there was water on Mars, then life could be there too.

Insiders suggest that as a result of this finding, NASA may commit itself to a manned Mars landing within 20 years. Recently, NASA was told that their space exploration programs should be dropped, because they cost too much money.
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Does the large number of homosexual priests have anything to do with the recent sex scandals in the Catholic Church? Anne Strieber tackles this question head-on in her new Diary entry.

To read Anne?s Diary,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Radio hosts Paul Harvey and Art Bell reported on a story from Scotland Yard about a bouncer who was stabbed to death in the alley outside The Paradise Bar in London. Pools of blood were left behind after the victim was taken away.

“They swabbed the blood up off the floor, they extracted DNA from it,” says Marcia Eggleston, a researcher at the University of California, Davis. “When they typed it, they couldn’t get a result.” A report went out that the victim somehow had nonhuman blood.
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