Is the FBI Penetrated?

A terrifying and sobering group of news stories has appeared in recent days that suggest that individuals within the FBI had prior knowledge of 9/11 and suppressed it, both for personal gain and, in one case, possibly because of connections to terrorist elements.
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Over the past week, there have been a shattering series of revelations of foreknowledge of 911 within the FBI. Congress and the Administration are both beginning aggressive investigations of the situation, and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has said, “if FBI headquarters is still handling terrorism information like it handled the (Zacharia) Moussaoui case, we’re in grave danger.”

Whitley Strieber has written a Journal Entry that sums up the situation and makes a powerful, closely-reasoned case that what has happened must have been more than bureaucratic incompetence, and that the FBI is probably penetrated by terrorist sympathizers working in the Bureau’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit.

To read the journal entry, click here.
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Bryan Robinson writes for asking why someone would not only kill, but eat his victims. Experts say a killer’s need to dominate his victim may be the motivation behind modern cannibalism. Devouring a victim goes a step beyond taking their life and represents the ultimate conquest and sign of domination to a killer.

“It goes back to the old days of the warrior, where they would defeat their enemy and eat the part they most admired, like their brain or their heart,” says George Palermo, forensic psychiatrist at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, who worked on the Jeffrey Dahmer case. “It’s like they’re saying, ‘I really killed you. The only way you exist is in me.'”
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John Vidal writes in the English newspaper The Guardian that British scientists are genetically modifying and cloning hundreds of thousands of animals a year for no reason other than experimentation, according to the genetics monitoring group GeneWatch.

The great majority of the 582,000 animals genetically altered in Britain in 2000 for medical or agricultural research were mice, but increasingly sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, rabbits, birds, poultry and cats are being experimented on, often with cruel results. The group condemned the scientists doing the work as “irresponsible.”
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