Senior administration officials have admitted that President Bush’s daily intelligence briefings in the weeks leading up to the September 11 terror attacks included a warning of the possibility that Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network would attempt to hijack a U.S.-based airliner. However, there was no speculation about the use of an airplane itself as a bomb or a weapon.

This is the first time the White House has acknowledged there was a warning of a potential hijacking linked to bin Laden prior to the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
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Scientists have decided that two mysterious explosions in the 1990s were caused by mysterious tiny particles from space. The two objects were picked up by earthquake detectors as they tore through Earth at up to 900,000 mph. According to scientists, they were “strangelets,” which are clumps of matter that have so far defied detection.
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Scientists are searching for the living relatives of the children that were sacrificed in Peru 500 years ago. Inca priests performed the ritual sacrifices four miles up on mountain peaks to appease their gods. The dead children became natural mummies, due to the dry air and high altitude.
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South Sister volcano in Oregon?s Cascade Range is beginning to show signs of erupting after lying dormant for thousands of years. Although indications are that an eruption is not likely to occur anytime soon, scientists are increasing their vigilance, which is located approximately 22 from miles from Bend, Oregon.

About a year ago, scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) detected a bulge in the Earth’s crust near the base of South Sister volcano. Using high-precision radar data from satellites, Charles Wicks and his colleagues found that the ground west of South Sister had swelled about 4 inches since 1996. This swelling has continued at a rate of about 1 inch every year.
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