Passengers on packed trains could be exposed to electromagnetic fields far higher than those recommended under international guidelines when large numbers of commuters all using their mobile phones at the same time. This can happen in buses, subway cars and elevators, and in other closed environments, such as offices, as well.

Tsuyoshi Hondou, a physicist from Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, says Japanese commuter trains are often packed with people surfing the web on their cellphones. He decided to find out what effect this has on the electromagnetic radiation in a train car.
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Although Earth and Venus are very similar in size, mass and density, Venus is covered in a thick layer of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid that traps heat in and leads to extreme warming, which has made the planet much hotter. Average temperatures on Venus average about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. These inferno-like conditions have led some to call it “Earth’s evil twin.”

“Venus and Earth have taken different paths,” says Larry Esposito, a planetary astronomer at the University of Colorado. “But human activity is leading Earth in the same direction [as Venus]. If we can understand Venus history better, we can fine tune our models for Earth.”
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After our popular Dreamland interview with Kristina Borjesson, author of ?Into the Buzzsaw? on Saturday night, about how big government and big media are influencing the media, one listener wrote: ?What can we do??

Kristina gives this answer: ?Do not feel helpless. There are things you can do that won’t swallow up your time or money.
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The witches of Lancaster, California practice an ancient, Earth-centered religion known as Paganism. A group of more than 300 residents of the area 40 miles north of downtown Los Angeles sometimes invites the public to their gatherings. But they say their Christian neighbors violated their rights on the evening of March 16 when they showed up for a sacred spring equinox ceremony in the parking lot of a local Pagan gift shop, praying loudly to Jesus while drowning out the witches? singing and chanting with Christian hymns.
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