Dmytro Hrodzynskyy, a Ukrainian scientist who is monitoring the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster warns that the levels of radiation around the destroyed reactor are risingBecause the concrete cover placed over the remains of the damaged reactor is failing. He believes the remaining fuel inside the reactor is heating up.
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Researchers have discovered that the results of safety tests on the type of genetically modified corn that is currently grown in Britain were ignored. The crop, T-25 GM, was tested in laboratory experiments on chickens. During the tests, twice as many chickens died when fed on T-25 GM corn, compared with those fed on conventional corn.

This research was overlooked when the crop was given marketing approval in 1996 by Acre – the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment. Acre’s chairman, Lord Alan Gray, admits the research should have been reanalyzed and that safety tests were not good enough to give a true picture of the risks involved.
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CIA Deputy Director for Operations James Pavitt warns that a new terrorist attack is unavoidable, despite all efforts to prevent it and the fact that the CIA is now “stealing more secrets” than ever.

“Now for the hard truth. Despite the best efforts of so much of the world, the next terrorist attack — it’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when,” Pavitt says. “With so many possible targets and an enemy more than willing to die, the perfect defense isn’t possible.”

Pavitt says mounting foolproof countermeasures against terrorism would require sacrificing many of civil liberties that define America and would create the kind of society that “is not worth defending.”
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Want to know how the drug manufacturers interfere with the kind of health care you receive? Read this new insight piece by Burton Goldberg.

To read the ?Insight? piece,click here.

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