Unknown Country readers are well-versed in the comings and goings of the various psychic research programs conducted by branches of the U.S. military. In addition to these programs, it turns out that the United States Navy is currently conducting a four-year, $3.85 million research project exploring the phenomenon of intuition and precognition for potential field use by the Navy’s sailors and Marines.
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NASA has announced that they have confirmation that Saturn’s moon Enceladus has a food source that could support potential microbial lifeforms. This crucial ingredient accompanies Enceladus’ grocery list of elements needed to support life: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, organic molecules, and of course, liquid water.

"Almost all of the conditions that astrobiologists have identified for habitability are present on Enceladus: water, organics, and a chemical energy source," explains Hunter Waite, from the Southwest Research Institute. "The only things that are left on the checklist are phosphorus or sulfur."
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Four possible candidates for the elusive Planet Nine have been discovered, following an intense, three-day search involving approximately 60,000 amateur astronomers, coordinated through a Zooniverse citizen science project by Siding Spring Observatory at Australian National University (ANU). In addition, the participants in the search have classified more than four million other objects.

"With the help of tens of thousands of dedicated volunteers sifting through hundreds of thousands of images taken by SkyMapper, we have achieved four years of scientific analysis in under three days," remarks ANU researcher Brad Tucker.
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What goes on in the brain of a psychic medium? According to the results of a study conducted in Brazil in 2012, the answer is ‘not much’ — although that’s a good sign in this case. The study focused on practitioners of psychography, or what is more commonly known as spirit writing as a method of communication with spirits. Interestingly, the study found a difference in brain activity between novice and experienced mediums, and also produced results during their trance state that they just could not explain.
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