It may be possible to sniff out a soon-to-erupt volcano, according to Chinese scientists Chih-Chieh Su and Chih-An Huh. They have evidence that the air downwind of a volcano that?s ready to blow is laced with a distinctive radioactive gas.

The researchers measured high levels of radioactive polonium-210 in the air at Nankang in Taiwan several days and weeks before three eruptions of the Mayon volcano in the Philippines in June 1999 and early January and late February 2000.
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According to the Israeli newspaper Yedi’ot Aharonot, a CNN film crew has been studying rooftops along Tel Aviv?s seafront in recent weeks so they?ll be able to film the action in case Iraq launches missiles at Israel. Do they know something the rest of us don?t?

In the 1991 Gulf war, Iraqi missiles fell on towns in the Dan District, and CNN, like other foreign television networks, documented the Scud missile attacks from the roof of the Tel Aviv Hilton. CNN spokeswoman in Israel Anne Rosen says, ?The network should not be regarded as having prior knowledge of developments with Iraq.?
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For much of the East and Midwest, summer-like temps have people sweating. After an odd winter that saw tulips sprouting in January in Iowa and a March snowstorm that caused more than 20 deaths from Texas to the Great Lakes, temperatures turned hot this week.

The temperature in Albany, New York hit 89 degrees Tuesday, 32 degrees above the normal high and 1 degree above the previous record set 106 years ago, says meteorologist Bob Kilpatrick of the National Weather Service. ?It?s freezing one week and roasting the next,? says resident George Smith. ?Last week, it was freezing, and I thought, ?What’s going on? It?s supposed to be spring.??
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This means that you find the site interesting, which makes us glad because we do, too! We promise to continue our unique formula of presenting stories that are on the credible edge, or are being ignored by the mainstream, because this is what you like to get and what we like to deliver.
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