The so-called ?alien implants? that have been found in the bodies of some of the people who report UFO abductions, when removed by physicians like Dr. Roger Leir, are often found to have a small magnetic field. This may be a clue that they affect the brain, either by enhancing it or changing it in some way via magnetism.
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U.S. and Brazilian researchers say waterways in the Amazon are releasing far more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than previously thought. That finding suggests tropical rainforests are not carbon ?sinks? that protect the Earth from excess CO2.

Using satellite radar imagery and streamflow measurements, researchers determined that the amount of carbon dioxide naturally coming off rivers, streams and flooded areas in the vast Amazon basin is three times what they expected to find.
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A new and deadly condition affecting 5 million people in England has been called Syndrome X, the Snack Food Disease. It can cause tiredness, problems with concentration, make you age faster than normal, and can increase the risk of severe heart problems, Alzheimer?s disease, cancer and heart disease.

Essentially, Syndrome X is a group of related disorders including the inability to properly deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugars, high levels of fat in the blood, obesity and high blood pressure. Researchers say the syndrome is a silent killer because early stages often go unnoticed.
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Two months after being found close to death, a Wolf Boy who lived in the forests of Transylvania for years with wild dogs after running away from home is returning to his family.

The boy?s mother, Lina Caldarar, has been reunited with Traian, age seven. The feral gypsy child was found by a shepherd two months ago, barely alive, naked and huddled in a cardboard box. He was the size of a three-year-old and had forgotten how to speak.

His mother says she left her husband home three years ago after he beat her. She believes Traian ran away for the same reason.
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