A woman is eight weeks pregnant with a clone, according to Severino Antinori, one of the fertility specialists who is supervising the pregnancy. ?One woman among thousands of infertile couples in the program is eight weeks pregnant,? Antinori says. This is the world?s first human cloning pregnancy.

Antinori’s colleague, Panos Zavos at the Andrology Institute of America in Lexington, Kentucky, previously announced that they planned to clone a baby by the end of 2001. They have refused to reveal the name or nationality of the woman, but say that almost 5000 couples are now involved in the program.
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Ronald Mallett, a physicist at the University of Connecticut, believes he knows how to build a time machine. He has designed a machine that can transport anything from an atom to a person from one time to another. ?I hope to have a working mockup and start experiments this fall,? he says. ?I would think I was a crackpot, too, if there weren?t other colleagues I knew who were working on it. This isn?t Ron Mallett?s theory of matter; it?s Einstein?s theory of relativity. I?m not pulling things out of the known laws of physics.?

Alan Guth, a physics professor at MIT who has studied the theory of time machines, says he doesn?t think time travel is a possibility, ?Definitely not within our lifetimes.?
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Scientists have found new evidence that may indicate there is life on Mars. An analysis of data obtained by the 1997 Pathfinder mission to Mars suggests there could be chlorophyll in the soil close to the landing site. Chlorophyll is used by plants and other organisms on Earth to extract energy from sunlight.

When the Mars Pathfinder mission touched down in the Ares Vallis region of Mars in July 1997, it took many images of the surrounding area and released a small rover to sample rocks. A detailed analysis of the images of the landing site reveals two areas close to Pathfinder that have the spectral signature of chlorophyll. This could be highly significant?or they could just be patches of green-colored soil.
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Iran?s leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Islamic oil-producing countries to suspend their exports to ?pro-Israel? countries. ?The oil belongs to the people and can be a weapon against the West and those countries who support the savage regime of Israel,? he says. Khamenei says exports should be stopped ?for a symbolic period of one month.? Iran is the second largest exporter of oil from the Middle East and a member of the Opec producers? cartel whose members produce 40% of the world?s crude supply. An anonymous Opec source says an export suspension would only benefit non-Opec countries such as Russia, who would raise their production to fill the gap.
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