When Jim Alexander backed out of a convenience store where he?d stopped for a cup of coffee in 1996, he crashed his car, which burned for 20 minutes before rescuers could get him out. Burns disfigured his face so badly that the other diners at his regular restaurant asked him not to come back. Alexander, age 60, retreated to his home, partially blinded and disfigured ?like a freak in a sideshow,? despite 38 surgeries.

Then he found Bob Barron a former disguise expert for the CIA, who helps seriously disfigured people blend back into society by designing prosthetic devices that look so real, most people don?t notice them. This sounds like the plot of the recent Tom Cruise movie ?Vanilla Sky,? but in this case, the story is real.
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For centuries, there have been healers who claim to be able to heal by touch. Now scientists think they?ve discovered the mechanism that makes this work?a natural chemical called immunoglobulin A, which fights invading micro-organisms and diseases.

The act of laying hands on flesh can trigger the release of these disease-fighting chemicals. A team from Tennessee State University investigated the clinical effectiveness of touch by giving the therapy to patients who had never been exposed to it before. They found the level of chemicals that resulted was higher in the people who benefited from the treatment. Health improvement was reported by 59 per cent of patients, and pain relief by 55 per cent.

To learn more,click here.
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David Braun reports in the National Geographic News that scientists have identified a thousand-yard-wide asteroid that may be heading for a collision with Earth 878 years from now.

Using radar and optical measurements made over the past 51 years, researchers have calculated that there is up to a one-in-300 possibility that Asteroid 1950 DA will slam into the Earth on March 16, 2880. ?We calculated the probability of collision based on what we know about the physical aspects of the asteroid and many other factors,? says Jon Giorgini of NASA?s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. ?As we get more information we will be able to adjust the level of probability up or down.?
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More than one-fifth of the monkey meat sold in the markets of Cameroon is infected with SIV, the ancestor of HIV, according to the first major survey of bushmeat. The level and variety of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains researchers found reveals the risk that new HIV-like viruses may enter humans who eat this bushmeat.
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