The internet is circulating a September 11 conspiracy theory, started by a French book, saying the plane that smashed into the Pentagon never existed and that the destruction of the Pentagon is a U.S. plot.

Thierry Meyssan’s book ?The Frightening Fraud? is a bestseller in France. ?Copies have been flying off shelves,? says a saleswoman at FNAC bookshop in central Paris.
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Florida agriculture could have caused the dead water discovered by fishermen in January. Nitrogen-rich waters may have flowed from the Shark River after a recent period of above-average rainfall. South Florida had extremely heavy rain by early December, almost two and half times normal.

Larry Brand, a marine biology professor at the University of Miami, says, ?The nitrogen is coming off the sugar cane fields.? Farmers don?t put the chemical directly on their crops; instead, it would have come from the peat on which they grow the sugarcane.
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Dr. Thomas E. Bearden, a nuclear engineer and retired Army Lt. Colonel has, for many years, been researching free energy. During the last few years, he and his colleagues have constructed working prototypes of free-energy devices. Four researchers are credited with the invention: Stephen L. Patrick, Thomas E. Bearden, James C. Hayes and Kenneth D. Moore.
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Andrea Mitchell, the NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent, reports that intelligence sources have told NBC that Saddam Hussein provides money for the families of suicide bombers, which is channeled through the extremist group Hamas.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has harshly criticized Iraq, as well as Iran and Syria, as supporters of terrorism and says, ?The Iraqis ? Saddam Hussein has announced that they?re offering stipends to families of suicide bombers. They?ve decided that?s a good thing to do. So they?re running around encouraging people to be suicide bombers. I would suggest that that is very actively trying to kill innocent men, women and children, and that?s exactly what the Iraqis intend to be doing by doing that.?
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