One of the largest asteroids known to have made a close approach to Earth flew past about 300,000 miles away on March 8, but nobody noticed it until four days later. When the object, which has been named 2002 EM7, passed closest to the Earth, it was too close to the Sun to be visible. A telescope operated by the Lincoln Laboratory at M.I.T. first recorded the new asteroid on March 12, as it moved away from the Earth and more of its bright side came into view.

Asteroids approaching from a blind spot cannot be seen by astronomers. If an object passed through this zone on a collision course with Earth, it would not be identified until it was too late for any intervention.
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The internet search site Google is being used by some people to play jokes on their friends. These people have found a way to improve the rankings of particular webpages, to make sure a site is near the top of the results for particular search phrases.
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John Paterson, a biochemist at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, says that eating organic food may help reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Until now there has been little scientific evidence to suggest that organic food is any healthier than conventional produce. John Krebs, head of the British Food Standards Agency, has gone on record saying organic food is not better than other types of food. But Paterson says Krebs made his statement ?on the basis of very little information.?
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A monkey with a brain implant the size of a fingernail can move a cursor on a computer screen just by thinking. One day scientists may be able to implant similar chips in human brains so that we can control complex devices with our minds.

Humans have actually already been implanted with a device that allows mind control of a cursor, but the new implant, devised by John Donoghue, chairman of neuroscience at Brown University, is smaller and fewer neurons.
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