A new analysis of DNA evidence offers proof that modern humans interbred with other populations around the world for hundreds of thousands of years rather than replacing them. This means that the genes of people today carry vestiges of the genes of Neanderthals and other extinct branches of the human family.

According to the original Out of Africa theory, the ancestors of today?s human population migrated from Africa 100,000 years ago, and they replaced less modern populations living in Europe and Asia.
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A remake of the movie ?The Time Machine,? inspired by the H.G. Wells novel, is in the theaters, which makes us wonder, once again, if time travel will ever be possible. This, in turn, brings up the question of whether time can be speeded up or slowed down. It turns out Einstein already predicted this in 1905 in his theory of relativity that states that time and space are joined in our universe as a four-dimensional fabric known as space-time. And both space and time change, or warp, as mass or speed is increased.
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Every 45 minutes a gigawatt pulse of x-rays courses through the solar system. ?The pulses are coming from the north pole of Jupiter,? says Randy Gladstone of the Southwest Research Institute, who made the discovery using NASA?s orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory.

?We weren?t surprised to find x-rays coming from Jupiter,? he says. Other observatories discovered this years ago. What?s surprising is the location of the x-ray beacon, which is a spot close the planet?s pole, and the regular way it pulses.
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Chinese scientists have created dozens of cloned embryos advanced enough to harvest embryonic stem cells. Their intention is not to copy human beings, but create genetically matched cells to make tissues for transplant patients and for research. One group of researchers claims to have derived stem cells from hybrid embryos composed of a mixture of human cells and rabbit eggs.

This is not the first report of human cloning experiments. In 1998, researchers from South Korea claimed to have grown a cloned embryo to the four cell stage before destroying it. And Clonaid, a company set up by a UFO group, also claims to be making advances.
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